Agenda - Children, Young People and Education Committee

Meeting Venue:

Hybrid - Committee room 4 Tŷ Hywel and video conference via Zoom
Meeting date: 14 December 2023

Meeting time: 09.15
For further information contact:

Naomi Stocks

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565




Private pre-meeting

(09.00 - 09.15)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest





2       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from items 3, 7, 8 and 9 of this meeting





3       Implementation of education reforms - consideration of the next steps

(09.15 - 09.30)                                                                           (Pages 1 - 11)

Attached Documents:
Implementation of education reforms: 3rd check-in - Scoping Paper



4       Scrutiny of Qualifications Wales Annual Report 2022 - 2023

(09.30 - 10.45)                                                                         (Pages 12 - 90)

David Jones, Chair, Qualifications Wales

Philip Blaker, Chief Executive, Qualifications Wales

Qualifications Wales Annual Report 2022 - 2023

Attached Documents:
Research brief - Qualifications Wales
Qualifications Wales Annual Report




(10.45 - 11.00)



5       Residential Outdoor Education (Wales) Bill - evidence session 3

(11.00 - 12.00)                                                                       (Pages 91 - 102)

Mark Campion, Acting Assistant Director, Estyn [via zoom]

Attached Documents:
Research brief



6       Papers to note





6.1   Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25

                                                                                             (Pages 103 - 106)

Attached Documents:
Letter to the Chair of the Finance Committee from Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol



6.2   Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25

                                                                                             (Pages 107 - 117)

Attached Documents:
Letter to the Chair of the Finance Committee from ColegauCymru



6.3   Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25

                                                                                             (Pages 118 - 123)

Attached Documents:
Letter to the Chair of the Finance Committee to Cardiff Metropolitan University



6.4   Services for care experienced children: exploring radical reform

                                                                                                         (Page 124)

Attached Documents:
Additional information from National Youth Advocacy Services NYAS Cymru



7       Scrutiny of Qualifications Wales Annual Report 2022 - 2023 - consideration of the evidence

(12.00 - 12.10)                                                                                                




8       Residential Outdoor Education (Wales) Bill - consideration of the evidence

(12.10 - 12.15)                                                                                                




9       Welsh Government White Paper on Ending Homelessness in Wales - consideration of the Committee's response

(12.15 - 12.30)                                                                     (Pages 125 - 135)

Attached Documents:
Draft response to the Welsh Government’s White Paper on ending homelessness





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